I love mystery,
suspense, action, romance, adventure, paranormal, chick lit, thrillers, and
lots of other genres. Every chance I have, I devour one book after the other,
always thinking that there isn’t enough time to read all the ones I would like
to. And when I devote time to reading a book, I also make the time to write a
review. Because first of all, I know how important reviews are for writers and
secondly, I want to share my thoughts and feelings about what I have just
However, I don’t write
reviews of all the books I read or start reading and put them down after a few
pages. I post reviews of the ones I loved (5 stars), or liked (4 stars), or even
sometimes if I thought they were just okay (3 stars). I don’t post negative 1
and 2 stars reviews. First of all, because I know all the hard work a writer puts into a book from the first paragraph all the way to having it
published, and I respect that; and secondly, because we don’t all have the same
taste. Things that I love other people might hate and vice versa. We don’t all
like the same people, houses, cars, clothes, hobbies, or books. And the
beauty of this world is that there is always someone or something out there
that fits exactly what we want.

Having said that, I should say that I respect the way other people feel about reviews. Some people believe that if they read a book that they didn’t like, they should post a negative review to prevent others from wasting their time on this particular book. I respect that, but that’s not the way I am. And I always do what feels right for me.
Of course, I’m not
talking about professional reviewers—experts in their field who read hundreds
of books and their opinion is requested. That’s different. They are
asked to provide their critical appraisal, and they do—whether it’s positive or negative. That’s a
risk a writer has to take, every time he or she asks for a review by a professional
reviewer. And, in this case, even negative reviews are useful and constructive
because a writer gets feedback on his work that would be very helpful in the
next book he or she writes.
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