Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Last night I dreamed of the Greek Island of Skopelos

It all seems like yesterday that my husband and I spent two unforgettable weeks on the fantastic Greek Island of Skopelos.

What can I say? The beauty of the landscape, the lush vegetation, the endless sandy beaches, the crystal clear waters, the sea turtles, the picturesque villages… There is just so much to remember and make me wish we could go back soon.

We stayed at Adrina Beach Resort & Spa, at Panormos Bay, a lovely beach hotel that took its name from the famous pirate woman Adrina.

According to the legend, Adrina arrived on Skopelos with her pirate ship to take over the city. But when her men were defeated by the people of Skopelos, she sank her boat in the bay so that her treasure would not fall into the hands of the Skopelites. Adrina did not make it to shore and drowned. Since then, the area is named Adrina, and many people have searched for the famous treasure, but the location of her sunken ship remains an enigma that stimulates the imagination of visitors and locals.

During our stay at this family-oriented sanctuary, with the traditional maisonettes offering a spectacular view of the brilliant blue Aegean Sea, we met a lovely couple, Stephanos and Eleanna. Of course, these are not their real names but the names I gave them in my mystery romance novel “Lethal Web of Passion”.

Stephanos was a successful Greek businessman who made a fortune in real estate. Having lost his parents at a young age, he was raised by a wealthy, authoritarian aunt.

Eleanna was born in London to an English mother and a Greek father. She used to work in London as a legal assistant until she came to Greece and met Stephanos. Another exciting thing about her was that despite her delicate and seemingly fragile figure, Eleanna was a martial arts expert.

My husband and I had lots of fun with this exciting couple, swimming, driving around the island, enjoying delicious meals, doing water sports, etc.

We got talking, and their life and backgrounds intrigued me very much, especially Eleanna’s family history. She told us about her mother coming from England and meeting her father on the island. And so, a new story formed in my head… “Lethal Web of Passion”.

Eleanna gave me the inspiration, but “Lethal Web of Passion” is a product of my imagination and doesn’t include real facts of that fascinating young lady’s life or the intriguing way she met Stephanos.

If you would like to check out “Lethal Web of Passion”, the novel is available as an e-book or paperback on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo and other fine booksellers everywhere.

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